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"As many times before, I would like to thank all the staff at LCU for your great support. Recently, we purchased a property in ####### (when it was still possible to travel). We made it back to our overseas work location just before international travel came to a halt. We were able to do most of our paperwork on-line, except one signature witness event at the Australian Embassy in the capital city here. Even that was possible just before the domestic flights were cancelled. We had to make two financial transfers - one for the deposit, and one for settling. Both of them were large enough to check, double check, and check again. LCU staff helped us by contacting us overseas (despite the time difference), contacting the solicitor before making a transfer, and keeping us informed on each step in the transfer process. Thank you so much!
I realize that most of that was probably done out of your own house. Around the time of the first payment, we here were in the process of a university hibernation, with all the efforts and attention that it takes to shut down labs. I assume it was a similarly stressful time at the offices of LCU - safety and security concerns must be addressed before offices are locked and data systems are shared for remote working. The role of the credit union in reducing the impact on the economic activities in the future must be taking a lot of time, effort and attention away from day-to-day operations as well.
During the second payment, we here were already 'locked into our houses', and I assume that was the case for several LCU staff as well. Despite that, the transfers, and even the 'remote key hand-over' on the day of settling worked without a glitch. 
With this email I would like to thank all of you for supporting us continuing this process, and all our daily banking needs. We are not sure when we are able to come to ####### and live in our new property, but some day in the near future we are expecting we will. 
Please stay healthy!
Best regards" - R and D